- How will District 20 use ParentSquare?
- How do I activate my account?
- How do I manage my account preferences?
- How do I download the ParentSquare App?
- What if I need help?
How will District 20 use ParentSquare?
How do I activate my account?
How do I manage my account preferences?
How do I download the ParentSquare App?
What if I need help?
District 20 invites you to join ParentSquare, our communication tool for receiving all district and school messages. Starting in January 2025, ParentSquare will also serve as a two-way communication platform, allowing direct messaging between teachers and parents/guardians!
Activate Your Account Today!
We encourage you to activate your account now and confirm your contact information using the link above. You will still receive important messages from us even if you do not activate your account. However, registering your account unlocks convenient features such as:
- Customizing how you receive messages (text, email, phone, or app notification).
- Choosing when you receive messages (instantly or as a daily digest).
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your school office. HOW TO ACTIVATE YOUR PARENTSQUARE ACCOUNT (ENGLISH/SPANISH)
Additional Communication Tools
Please note that in addition to using posts and direct messaging in ParentSquare, staff will continue using platforms such as Seesaw, Google Classroom, and the Remind App to communicate with parents/guardians. The district will continue using Skyward for scheduling, grades, registration, and more.
Thank you for joining us on ParentSquare! We look forward to enhancing communication with you!