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Assistant Superintendent of Student Services

Ms. Colleen Flores
(630) 894-4010

Ms. Colleen Flores grew up in Hanover Park and attended both Greenbrook Elementary and Spring Wood Middle School as a child.  She graduated from Lake Park High School in 1991.  Ms. Flores earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Education from Lewis University in 1998.  She received a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership from Aurora University in 2006.

She has worked in Keeneyville District 20 for the past 25 years as a Paraprofessional, Special Education Teacher, Administrator, and most recently Assistant Superintendent of Student Services.
Ms. Flores currently lives with her two children, Nicholas and Kelly.  Her rambunctious dog Addison keeps her very busy.  Ms. Flores enjoys exercising, reading, learning about sharks, and traveling all over the United States watching her children play colligate soccer.
Some of Ms. Flores' fondest memories are from her time at Spring Wood Middle School as a child.  She is privileged and honored to be able to work in the community she has called home for over 25 years.