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Special Education


Colleen Flores
Director of Student Services
(630) 894-4010


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Welcome to the Special Education Department of Keeneyville School District 20

Keeneyville School District takes pride in educating all of our students within the district. The goal of the special education programming and related services is to support is student and their individual needs. Public La 94-142, also known as the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) is legislation that was passed to ensure all students with disabilities ages 3-21 would receive a free and appropriate public education to meet their individual and unique learning needs. 
The school district offers a full continuum of special education services and programming to meet the needs of students. All of the schools are committed to educating students in the least restrictive environment. In addition, the school district also offers self-contained special education classrooms to meet the needs of students with significant disabilities.
If you are considering moving into Keeneyville School District 20 and your child is currently receiving special education services, please contact the Director of Student Services, Colleen Flores.
If you have questions about the services available, contact us by email or phone (630) 894-4010