Elementary Enrichment Program
Keeneyville School District 20 offers enrichment programs to elementary students in grades 3, 4, and 5 in literacy and/or math. Students in our enrichment programs attend enrichment classes at various times throughout the day for 4-5 times per week, depending on their grade level. These classes are in addition to grade level literacy and math blocks. Activities developing creative and critical thinking skills are the primary focus, as students work within their areas of academic strength in reading and/or math. The program also further develops social and emotional learning skills.
Keeneyville utilizes the three pathways for determination of placement in elementary enrichment courses:
Pathway #1: At or above the national 85th percentile in reading and/or math on the past two out of three MAP assessments.
Pathway #2: At or above the national 80th percentile in reading and/or math on the past two out of three MAP assessment and a composite score at or above the 85th percentile on the CogAT verbal and/or quantitative respectfully.
Pathway #3: A composite score at or above the 90th percentile on CogAT verbal and/or quantitative.
Assessment and achievement data are collected each year and placement within the program may change yearly based on those scores. If you have any questions please reach out to your school principal or to Dr. Carrie Buckley, Director of Teaching and Learning at cbuckley@esd20.org.