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Safety and Security

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The safety of our students, staff, and visitors is always a top priority for District 20.  

Ensuring a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment

At District 20, we believe that a safe school is essential for students to thrive academically and personally. Our schools are dedicated to creating a welcoming environment where learning can happen without the fear of intimidation, violence, or harm. We are committed to providing a safe space where students can focus on their education and personal growth.

Our Collaborative Approach to School Safety

Safety at District 20 is a community effort. We partner closely with local emergency responders, community members, social service organizations, parents, students, staff, and administrators to maintain and improve school safety. This collaborative approach helps us create a secure learning environment for every student.

Our Multi-Tiered Safety Strategy

District 20 has developed a comprehensive strategy to ensure both school safety and emergency preparedness. This is outlined in our Emergency Operations Plan, which covers all aspects of personal safety, including physical safety and social-emotional well-being. Our approach addresses the four key phases of emergency and disaster management:

  • Prevention: Implementing measures to avoid, deter, or stop potential incidents before they occur.
  • Preparation: Taking steps to protect students, staff, visitors, and property from potential natural or man-made threats, and minimizing the likelihood or impact of an incident.
  • Response: Activating necessary measures to stabilize a situation, save lives, and establish a safe and secure environment for everyone.
  • Recovery: Supporting the restoration of a positive learning environment following any incident.

Resources for Parents

This section of our website provides answers to common questions regarding school safety and security. Please keep in mind that to protect the integrity of our emergency plans, not all details can be shared publicly. However, if you have any specific concerns or questions that aren't covered here, please don't hesitate to reach out to your school or contact the district office at

School safety is a shared responsibility.  We thank the Keeneyville District 20 community for helping to keep our schools safe!